

Here's something..
Here's something to think about..

Why do you look for something you don't have?
Why do you look at something that someone else have?
Why do you look for happiness from people's praise?
Why do you think that what you already have is not enough?

Here's the honest truth..

People call me a fat boy,
And I am a fat man..
But I can lift a hundred kilo, easy,
Can they say the same?

I'm ugly, yes I am,
But I can silence a kid crying with a glare..
That no easy feat,
It takes a heart of iron to do that..

I'm no good at socializing,
I'm awkward with new people..
But damn, I can make the funniest joke,
I can make the meanest person smile..

Point is..

Know your weakness,
Improve upon it..
And know your specialty,
Utilize it..

We are not born the same,
It's the honest truth..
But it doesn't mean you're not special in a way,
You just have to find it..

I'm improving myself,
To be better, healthier..
Why don't you start the journey too?
We can be better, together.

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