

Time goes on
They say time goes on, changes come along
But what if I stay young?
What if when the night changes,
I still see the moonlight,
Stars drunk from rum.
What if tomorrow comes and I'm not ready?
Living in yesterdays chapter,
But I'm still unsteady.
What if I'm not ready for trees to grow and for seasons change,
Because winter air is one of my deepest fears
And what if I'm the glass that doesn't need falling to break?
What if I'm afraid to be tethered by sleepless nights and monsters that'll never hide?

Give me my days to come golden as they are today
Don't let the songs be unsung,
Keep me young as times goes on
I don't need to become wiser,
Wiser comes with maroon lessons
And maroon lessons will leave me all
© Dantewrites