

Little did she knew!
Little did she know,
a single phone call
simple empathy
that was all going to take
to fall in love with him.

Little did she know,
she was so in love
but misapprehend it for friendship
denied it when world called it Love.

Little did she know,
it was jealousy
that made her cry to bed
when he flirted with other girls.

Little did she know,
she loved him with all she had
and made persistent efforts
to made him feel the same.

Little did she know,
she was all he ever wanted.
He would do anything for her
and she was the love of his life.

Little did she know,
he was dropping hints,
building castles in the air
dreaming about forever and always
But in the end, gave up on her
thinking she was not into him.

Little did she know,
He moved on with his life
But She, at 3AM
still thinking and writing about him.
Alas! If only she knew....

© SwethaAlugolu

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