

A girl in a dress clad with blue fabrics,

Recites notes of her leadership rubric,

Her hands tremble in a quaking lyric,

A distant hum of darkness assembles at the background of her mystic,

She mulls over her short term in service,

Thinking back to the absence of life in her leadership crevice,

Nothingness swirls in her brain,

As she tries to think of her leadership's main,

Nothing but a title,

Not a single act to back up the mantle,

A ray of an emotion thwarts her worth,

Stifling her confidence with a great wrath,

In a bid to cover up her unfulfillment,

And to cover her exposed linen,

She lies,

Batches of untruths that escape her lips,

Warming the hearts of the crowds,

But her essence left in a hollow mound,

She reminds herself of the attempted goods,

Attempts, that's all they were in her mood,

For her fear had held her back,

Disallowing from making her mark,

But she blew it, the shot already lost,

A fountain that is  locked from her host,

Even in this little road outside of the journey,

Something still shuffles her to mourning,

A blight that has kept with her  cradle,

On the wasted time that has dealt with her dazzle.

I want to thank God for giving me the Grace to write this. It has been so long since I last wrote, I would say I have been a bit too tired to write as of late. Anyway here it is. I know it's not the best of my work but by Gods grace I made it out alive anyway, how is it? Vote and comment if you like.

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