

I'm not vicious,

nor am I selfish.

I just happen to think I deserve a lot.

Yes, I may be young,

sure I haven't done much.

But hasn't everyone?

I'm not saying I deserve the world,

oh no no baby girl.

I'm saying, I deserve basic necessities.

The right to live,

The right to speak,

and The right to just be me.

No matter my skin,

or the things stereotypes say.

I'm me, and that's that at the end of the day.

I deserve the right to be able to live,

because I'm a person that does good,

and not because of my skin.

Or my religion,

or my nationality,

or my livelihood.

I deserve to live because I'm human, rightly.

So hold on tightly, because this is a bumpy road.

and I know people will have things to say.

But I'm speaking as me, a person, living in this world.

that times do indeed need to change.

Change doesn't have to be bad.

most of the time it's good.

But what's the use?

I'll forever be misunderstood.
© Liyah Lee