

the fall
I had a little dream,
I dreamed the leaves were falling from the trees.
They piled up softly on the ground
I tried to catch some but ,when I touched them they turned blue.
Leaves aren't blue I thought.
I turned to the tree and asked , why do your leaves turn blue when I touch them?
Because they are sad, they won't see you or the sun anymore .
This made me sad ,
The tree went on to explain that when the summer is over the leaves die and fall to the ground .
This to made me sad.
The old tree smiled at me yawned and said it will be OKay the new baby green leaves will be here in the warm spring sunlight to give you shade and make you smile once again.
For now little one I have to go to sleep for the winter.
I shall see you in the spring when mother nature wakes me, my little friend, then I will share other stories of the beauty of mother nature with you.

© twistedmama