

I didn't mean that
# #theunrequitedlove
I was in class 8 when I first saw him he was like a moon and her friends were like stars all around him I didn't know who was he but all I know that was he was beautiful I belong to a poor family and my dad passed away many years ago my mom make money for me when I first saw him I thought she is the one I need❤she is the one I want but then she disappeared I didn't know in which class did she read next day I saw him in class 9 he was sitting behind my cousin I wanted to go and kiss him and make her feel special but I was to shy (๑•́ω•̀๑) I didn't how to say him I love you 👧👈💖👉👦but then he saw me And passed a smile I was so happy but confused I ran towards my class next day I asked my cousin about him he said he is the monitor of the xlasss I told him about my feelings next day he told my crush that he is my crush he said oh ok I was like just ok ?? 😭;but then next day😅 he came to me and said hey little girl you are too sweet 🍬💓🍬💓I felt really happy I ran away at night I saw him in my dream holding my hand tightly and kissing me 😍😍❤️and he said I love you it was the best dream ever ☺️✨💭I have had and I replied I love u too and the I woke up this alarm clock sucks then I went to his class with a flower 🌺🌸🌼I gave it to him his friends started laughing like I am the joker he stood up and said hey what is this I said you love me I love u so what's tha problem he replied I just asked you that youare sweet I didn't mean that sorry 😓😩

my lifeline ends . ..... 💔