

Empty Reflections

In hollow mirrors, I search for a face,
A glimpse of soul, a forgotten place.
But emptiness stares, a vacant gaze,
A reflection of what's lost in haze.

Shadows dance, upon the wall,
Echoes of memories, that once stood tall.
Now, silence screams, in deserted halls,
Where laughter rang, and love's sweet calls.

In windows cracked, with shattered dreams,
I see the fragments of what it seems.
A fractured self, in broken pieces lies,
A puzzle incomplete, with missing ties.

Ripples fade, on stagnant pools,
Reflections of what once filled my rules.
Now, emptiness expands, like a dark sea,
And I'm adrift, without anchor or spree.

Yet, in this void, I find a space,
To redefine, the lines on my face.
To rediscover, the heart I've misplaced,
And find solace, in the empty, sacred space.

For in the stillness, I hear a voice,
A whisper of hope, a heartfelt choice.
To fill the void, with love's pure light,
And shine anew, through the dark of night.

© Mercy