

welcome to my funeral....
I went to funeral today And what did I see
A broken soul...
Cold laying down 6 feet
I saw a mother shaken
Wondering if she was the reason for all the pills this person had taken.
Her husband was holding her
Fighting battles in his mind
Trying to convince himself he wasn’t the reason for the shots fired
In the corner I saw a best friend
Wondering where it all went wrong
The beginning of the pretense
And a lover hanging by a thread
Wondering if the relationship caused the rope burns
I went to funeral today
And well there is not much to say
Along with grief the air was filled with anger uncertainty and doubt
All for a person who too the easy way out
A person who would do just about anything
To stop breathing
You see the knives and blades cut deep
But they were not enough to put me to sleep
The pills were just to sweet
And the bullets failed to stop the heart beat
Finally the rope did the trick
But in all honesty my stupidity killed me
I went to funeral today
And I really wish wasn't this way
I really have nothing to say
Except I'm sorry okay
I'm sorry that I couldn't take it anymore
And I'm sorry that isn't as easy as me walking out the door
I'm sorry for the note found on the floor
And to all those I adore It really isn't your fault...

© nachii. yobe