

Unveiling Authenticity
It's hard to be true to oneself these days
In a world where judgemental eyes seem to always gaze
We try to fit in, to be what's expected of us
But lose ourselves in the process, a high price for someone's fuss.

We're told to be this or that, to follow the crowd
To never speak up, to never be too loud
But what if who we are, doesn't fit in their box?
Do we hide who we are, behind our inner locks?

It's time to break free from society's mold
To embrace who we are, and be bold
To be true to ourselves, and never hide
For our uniqueness is what makes us shine inside.

So let the world judge, let them criticize
For we know who we are and that's no disguise
Our authenticity is our greatest strength
And in a world that's fake, it's our greatest length.

© Christine