

Oh Lord...
Everything starts within you,
As you command over all.
So am I brought into the world,
As a seed shoot up into the crust

Planted me in the ground of your creation.
A loving father, cherished me with,
His love and guidance
Glorifying you to the world.

Surrounding me, comes the weeds
Taking my happiness, strength and making
Me weak as to bring me down,
Tired of being attacked and scared.

Though I survived without hesitating,
My creator, by being fruitful.
Provided me with all I want ,
Without saying a single request

Seasons passed through me, each
Of new new circumstances.
Making myself to adapt
And withstand in the world.

when I was thirsty , gave me rain showers
when I was tired, gave me shade
when I was hungry, nutured me through soil
under the fury weather, as a cold breeze

You gave all I want
to bear the fruitful branch
Of your wine , blooming
with prosperity and uniqueness.

Weeds that grown along with me ,
Unnoticed by the gardener as it is unfruitful

In the end , to gather the harvest
Gardener seize off the weeds
And congregate all fruit- bearing
As a offering to the Al mighty

© Jerry