

A temptation on the next following day
to grab a pencil and few colours...
an eraser to wipe out errors and a black marker to make the outline little darker.

A thought occurred to draw a sketch
related to Missy the pussycat.
I watch her sleeping on the edge of my neighbour Mr. shantnu's balcony...

she yawns like a lion
she sleeps through out morning and stays awake at night
she never skips to catch cockroaches midnight. she never takes off on the given duty.

my sketch! I'm preparing for a sale coming next week
before I was busy searching for a model, now no need, Mr. shantanu's cat is perfect for it.

she doesn't like to people to grab her in their arms..
she likes to walk freely, but when she's being call Missy lovingly she doesn't hesitate to mess around their legs.

Missy is my neighbours cat
she is white in colour and has got a design of orange near her ears...
she has an eye catchy shine in her eyes, that hypnotizes many during day and night.

I'm gonna make my sketch perfect
I have decided to design Missy the way she is...
I'll shade her with dark pencil and make my sketch look more attractive.

I'm planning to invite Mr. shantanu with his wife and elegant Missy for the sale
next weak....
I'll keep it surprise, and when they'll meet my sketched Missy Mr. shantanu and the original Missy will appreciate it with love.

hope they like and buy my sketch
and gift it for little elegant Missy...
no no! I'll give them for free if most people appreciate me.
for my attractive sketch of little elegant Missy.

#Missy #neighbouring #cat#sketch#elegant#beauty#sale

sketch poem by @pachecoveenita