

he was smart and soft a little funny
his eyes shone when it was sunny
when I told him to give me your paw
he would start licking it like his food - whatever he
and when I did scold him that I would give him a slap
he would make his dog eyes and jump on my lap
then he would gobble up the ants ( any in his sight)
and wherever I went ran before me so lightly like a flying kite
when we left him in the garden he would get himself muddy
and I would take him for a bath he would scream that he was clean
and I would give him the look that meant,
then what is the mud I have seen
he was my best buddy I ever had
he has gone I am so sad
but his muddy box he used to lick
reminds me of him why had he gone so sick
was all of it because of me ?
but he told me in my heart it isn't your fault and it never will be
and there is something true ......
I will always be with you