

Taste of Love....

Taste love...

Like , I'd tasted....

Losing, and drowning...

Utterly, intoxicating....

It taste of some forbidden fruit...

Bitter and Sweet...

Sour and Chilly....

But, he hasn't tasted it...

He's petrified of drowning....

He's not ready to get intoxicated...

But, I've , all willingly...

Tasted love....

As I sink, too deep.....
For too long,
To, too far....

I'm still tasting it...

Fighting, Crying, Falling....

I didn't swim, I sink.....

To taste it, again and again....

It taste of my devastation...

But, I'm rather good, lost...
Rather good, inebriated....

Out of senses....

Only to wake up,
After I'm no more....

Alive and Breathing....

I'm fine, lost...
I don't want to face,
The reality....

The darkness, is great....

I couldn't see...

I could just fall...

Again and again...

That's how love taste....
Like my doom...

But, I won't stop tasting it....
There's no life,
Without it.....

No life, with it...

It's just about death...
Now or later,
Today or tomorrow,
Just about death....

But, mirth or woe,

I won't stop,
Tasting love....