

Dual State of Mind

I challenge myself to a dual, we draw on words
Like pistols shooting blank promises yet again
Let's begin to dissect the direct dialect detected
Depressed & detached is a state of mind I find

kind & gentle is my soul though, a little bit shy
sighs of a heavy heart heaving miracles of hope
I hear them through the beats of bated breath
Just wishing upon a star, for my piece of peace

In my mind I often find the displaced thoughts
Im caught in my own minefield of confusion
dillusions of grandeur explode a fast false pride
With the confidence and swagger of a true king

Im a lion with my head held high but Im lying
To myself if I think I can beat myself in a dual
I'll just shoot myself in the foot in my mouth
For the duality of this man hinges on emotion

© JML - Still a Work in Progress