

Essence Boast
Namaste My People with shallow hearts, feeding thy ego

I am thy daughter of thy divine

Princess of peace, wise-lips for thy generations

Chief of food in thine kitchen , a beach-head for vacations

A light-house in midst of darkness

Soft-spoken to thy hostile, voice-liberator to thy gentle

I play many roles , and I have lived many lives

I overcame glorious heights, great mountains

Jumped in thy rabbit hole into a magical world

I am a wisdom wallowing well , springing up waters of life

Bringing down thy transgressions of thy generations

I am a warrior for weak and a spokesman of mighty men

I lay stretched in both spirit world and thy world known to men

Creation of life starts with thine pen

Dreams are made through thy arts of thine mind

I am thine creator who creates thy crafts

My life revolves around trance tranquility

I am amazing bursting with everlasting love

I am thy beginning and end

The End