

You will feel it's sting
We all have a purpose, a reason we exist,
here in this time, this place, this season.
and failure, to give 100 % to ourselves,
against ourselves, we are committing treason.
Now from here, we begin a land slide,
moving quickly, downward, so losing all control.
sooner or later, it will come to be, no escape,
we all will stand in accountability, and pay the toll.
For there is that, we seek, giving our all,
over and over again, it seems, we cannot attain.
Why we continue on each day, the same way,
thinking things will finally change, it's insane.
And one thing, we hold at a higher value,
though it may break us, is a love pure and true.
so to the ends of the earth, through the dark,
and unknown regions, so one will pursue.
Are we ignorant, or blind maybe stupid,
or maybe it's just, we're high on dope.
Whatever it is, for whatever reason it is,
it seems, that we are lost in a sea of hope.
Life is full of Gain and Loss, an of Love and Hate. which, if not all of these? will become your fate.
Like a puppet who dangles, from a string
For life is like a never ending book of nonfiction
by time, it comes to an end, you will feel it's sting.