

Guilty ode to a Paw
Cold January hailstorm ,
Icy and cold ,pouring on the fifth.
Somewhere this heart understood!
My ride from two -hundred miles apart,
Like the wind they carried you.
The storm brought me the dead news.

How can I undo this story !
Gruesome and cruel ,my heart cannot bear.
Four paw prints left in eerie silence .
"Are you gone?"i pondered alone.
Someone had to tell,
My lonely heart answered
Through a sister's words.

Like golden ray ,
Sunlight even on cloudy day.
Happy as a clam.
Even when i gave you hell
You endured with me.
Dear life stolen from you!
Your tender crossed the rainbow bridge .

I failed the aftermath
What good i did to deserve you?
Why were you destined to me?
I couldn't protect you!
Even in life and death,
Will happiness be in death?

The last time i whispered,
"Take care,i will be back."
Did you know the fate forth?
Was that why you cried still.
When I selfishly took my ride.

Nomore can i hold you,
This place has become my prison.
To wipe a shirt from dirt jumping paws,
Prowling over every chicken we walk across
We laughed in walks ,cried at dinner .
I am bounded by guilt!

I wished i could take the blade instead.
Tommy and I are grieving in vain ,
Why won't you greet me no more.
I will still sneak extra pedigree
Give up my share of meat and bread,
It's in vain.
Does such innocence amounts to death
It's not fair.

I missed the last pat and kiss
Couldn't even see you in the end.
Hugs and walks,
Chasing you to bath,
They haunt me.
I am bounded by guilt.
"I am sorry ,I do not deserve your forgiveness."
But i loved you and will love you still.


© kethpsy