

curated life
Here she is, she's 28.
27 was a delicate structure.
She is exhausted from the weight
of the grief and fear she was forced to acquire.

Always on the verge of collapse,
even after excruciating occurences.
She wishes 28 doesn't bring a relapse
As she blows out the flame, ungregarious.

She wants to curate a happy new orbit,
but she's learned the danger of representing herself via highlight reel.
So she slices the cake and says "Fuck it."
Her "unlikable" truth she won't conceal.

To 28: Que sera, sera
She's going to age honestly
With no passive aggressive agenda
hoping it disrupts the absurdity
of all of us trying to be the best replica.

Fake people have an image to maintain,
I'm so spent, I refuse to participate.
I encourage you all to do the same,
and bask in the peace you will gain.