

Boundless Tongue: A Plea to Spare Love from Curse
In whispered moments, be cautious, my friend,
For words hold power, on this truth depend.
The universe listens to every word we speak,
A symphony of echoes, both strong and weak.

Curse not your partner, in anger or spite,
For words, once released, take flight in the night.
Like seeds in the wind, they drift far and wide,
Planting their roots in the universe's tide.

Imagine a quarrel, a heated exchange,
Where curses were hurled, emotions deranged.
A wish for misfortune, an ill-fated jest,
Caught by the cosmos, it cannot rest.

The universe listens, it takes heed,
Transforming intentions into life's deed.
A simple example, let me provide,
A tale of a couple, love nearly denied.

In anger, he cursed her, wished her away,
Unbeknownst that the universe had its say.
Their paths soon diverged, hearts torn apart,
A lesson learned, a broken heart.

So, pause before you let words fly,
Consider well, and reason why.
A partner's heart, a fragile bloom,
Needs gentle care, to banish gloom

Remember, dear friend, before words take flight,
The universe listens, both day and night.
Speak with compassion, let kindness be your guide,
For words can shape destinies, far and wide.

So, let's tread softly on emotion's floor,
With words that mend and hearts restore.
For the universe listens, takes heed and observes,
In spoken intentions, our destiny it reserves.
© nikz2415