

big boy pants
my mind's size is increasing
growing accustomed to finer things,
i love only objects that bling,
i love instruments with golden strings
and my power is never ceasing.

promotions—i have had them all
holding titles but ignoring meaning,
i have a figure ever leaning,
i have a wallet always greening
easily avoiding precisely placed pitfalls.

houses and mansions i have bought
those cars, boats and other toys too,
i got planes with wings so blue,
i got scooters and submarines brand new
at every auction i always fought.

clothes—you thought this was over?
well let me tell you what i wear,
i dawn brands that cause a stare,
i dawn garments impossible to compare
even my silk boxers with tiny clovers.

but i worry—this little thought itches,
it bangs at the back of my mind,
i think there's no key for it to find,
i think to this thought i can't be blind
might i have gotten too big for my britches.

© Conor J. Josten