

Unacceptable Stigmas Hurt
like the roisterous laughter we rarely experience
when depression and melancholy stand suzerain.
Tradition says to be strong—the pillar of foundation.
What makes this gospel? Whose authority made this so?
Many stigmas validate strains on minorities.
Men try to hide illness behind masks, when asked it's
all to easy to say, 'Fine.' and move along.
The lie never needs a thought—it's always at front.
Others defy their stigma and try to be free,
but society holds them down with messages of hate.
Authenticity becomes taboo when stigmas
linger from bygone days full of faith.
We all shed tears but we try to hide and bottle
them for later, so we pretend to be fine
when we are all broken automatons
with bottles of tears waiting for the hammer.

© Hesher John

Repost from Poetizer