

Father please don't pretend
I'm begining to feel I'm sinking again,
That's why I picked up this pen,
If I used my vocal to share the pain,
people might give backhanded compliment,
That's why I should paint this pain through the pen hidden somewhere in the brain,
Once again sorry for the death of yours dreams through my mistakes,
I'm not giving any escaping excuse because blood of that dreams is still on my hand,
I'm more afraid of look on your fake smiley face which seems nothing has happened,
I know you all are doing your best to pretend that that son everything is gonna be okay,
But I rest assure you dad , I'm not anymore that weak man, I'm gonna try this again and again,
But I need your hand on my back because you are only the reason I'm taking breath,
Just be my pillar , be my backbone, be my hero , papa please have some faith.

© Mukesh Kumar Gupta