

scary devil
Ssshhh, don't make a sound,
Ssshhh, the devil is abound,
Ssshhh, stay under,
Ssshhh, stay your shudder,
Ssshhh, don't wisper,
Ssshhh, somebody is here,
Ssshhh, don't panic,
Ssshhh, don't fear,
we will handle this gost together,
don't shattered, Don't scare,
the fear will make the ghost stronger,
kill your fear, be stronger.
Ssshhh, somebody is right here,
Ssshhh, don't make sound,
Ssshhh, it's a black cat abound,
hey look their the creepy creatures,
ooh no they are here,
run fast, otherwise you will also become just like that creepy creature,
they are so scary,
I can't run, my legs are freezing.
hey don't panic,
we all are here,
we will battle with this creepy creatures,
hey rush and run don't stop look their,
the sun is right here,
hurt up the sun light will vanish the creepy creatures.

© tulsi parwal