

Nevermore (neverlove)
You were never in love with me.
You were in love with the fantasy of me.
But with each word I said,
Every act I did,
I shattered that fantasy of me.
Now, you look at me with indifference and
I pay the price for hoping, truly that you loved me.

You never knew what love was and
I never knew how to deal with your fuck up.
You played at love, I acted alright and when the curtains closed, you left me in silence and
the darkness of doubt.

Don't call that love
Because you never truly loved me.
And I never truly knew you to love you.
You were never in love with me.
You were carried away by your convictions in a desperate need for intimacy.
When I failed to give you what you wanted,
you flipped the script on me and made it my problem.

Honestly, I was never in love with you.
You said I love you in the blink of an eye.
Too soon. Too early.
I should have known.
But I wanted that love.
There was no joy, need, want or longing in your eyes or words.
You said them as plain words and justified them with empty words.

Yet, your feelings were not etched into your words.
Maybe you did like me but never loved me.
You realized you made a mistake in saying you love me and
I realized I made a mistake in accepting the lie, even when I didn't believe you.

No more. No love. No future.
Go away. I want to see you free so I can be free but
My throat is dry, lips sealed and I don't know how to end this.
I've always been a people pleaser but
I can't please you anymore and
I want this love to end and now.
I'm begging,
End it. End love. End us.

© melodiousphoenix