

Smell of Memories
Write a poem focusing on a single memory, or describe what you might imagine the typical grandmother’s kitchen to be like.

A fragrant cookie,I smell
A brewed coffee,I feel
That morning
When I woke up
You prepare something,I can tell.

The old woman,I saw
In that woody kitchen I knew
My grandma
I loved the way you do.

That sweet cookies,
That sweet smile,
You prepare every morning
I am used to see it everyday.

The fragrance
I used to in the morning,
Oh,that's a brewed coffee
I really knew
You prepare every morning
That I love how you do.

I touched the woody kitchen
I feel,like you were there
Oh,my grandma
I missed you!
I miss,the way you do.

The cold morning dew,
The sun shine a little few,
That foggy morning
Bring back my memories again.

© Mommy Rechel