

Dreams and Nightmares
In the quietest part of the night,
When you hover between dark and light,
Wondering if you can float away on dreams,
Hoping they won't turn into screams...

Before you fall asleep, thoughts come inside your head.
Problems, conflicts come upon you, you wish these thoughts are dead.
Yet no matter what you do, you cannot escape from what you had done.
From the past mistakes you did, there is nowhere to hide nor run.

You close your eyes, darkness consumes you.
Yet screams of anger and sounds of your cries fill you.
What will be worse than a nightmare, if reality is worse
If your own reality is your enemy and your own life is your curse.

Like roses that are once lovely red, rots until it breaks.
Like crystal blue waters, suddenly turn into polluted lakes.
Everything is clear, yet your future is blurry.
In a blink of an eye, your dream may turn into a worry.

Are you really worthy of living your life?
Or do you deserve stabbing yourself with a knife?
Blood dripping and dropping just like those you had killed
You just lost a loved one, you regret what you did.

Yet a simply sorry will not change a thing.
You still took a life of those who deserves living.
Why are you here then? You are supposed to be gone.
Because of your ignorance, the evil in you had won.

But of course you still live, better than most.
Although you are stuck with your own tears and woes.
Because killing indirectly was never illegal.
But conscience shall haunt you, for her being suicidal.

Answer me, does conscience still exist for you?
After what you have done, you still pretend that you have no clue.
Of any reason for her sudden teary death.
When the reason is you, and what you made her felt.

You deserve more than sleepless nights.
You deserve more than bloody fights.
You deserve death, not seeing a new day.
And so the dream you thought you'll have, suddenly fades away.
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