

Is it okay.
Is it okay.
Is it okay to walk in the Darkness.
Is it okay to feel so alone.
Is it okay to cry ,to yell even though no one will hear you.
Is it okay.
It doesn't feel okay
It feels like my chest is breaking
Like I can't breathe.
Like I'm gasping for air but I'm already above water.
Is it okay.
It doesn't feel okay.
It doesn't feel normal.
It feels like I'm not wanted.
I don't know anymore.
I'm not happy anymore but then again when was I happy.
I'm looking at myself tear stains running down my face my eyes burning red.
And somehow I'm expected to wear a smile.
Somehow I'm expected to look happy.
Is this okay.
Am I doing this life thing right.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I'm choking on my own tears.
I'm choking on my own breath.
I close my eyes hoping everything will go away.
Hoping I'll wake up to better tomorrow even though I already know it wont.
Each day is the same I wake up.
I walk to the kitchen the war begins.
The war dosent end.
I end up with tears in my eyes.
I go to bed each night wishing things could diffrent wishing I could be different.
I close my eyes wishing tomorrow will be better.
But it never is
© peace