

#A brother, a hero, a guiding light
Your absence leaves an endless night
Your memories linger, a bittersweet pain
Reminding us of joy that cannot remain

Your footsteps silent, your voice stilled
Yet in our hearts, your love is unfulfilled
Your smile, a treasure we hold tight
A beacon in darkness, shining bright

Your hands that guided, now gone from sight
But your legacy lives, a lasting light
In our memories, you'll forever stay
A brother, a friend, never far away

Your strength and wisdom, we recall
A bond between us, forever standing tall
Though death has taken, it cannot erase
The love and laughter we shared in your place

You may be gone, but in our hearts
Your memory lives, never to depart
A brother, a hero, forever in our sight
A shining star, guiding us through the night.

(Devoted to big brother)
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