

Death And Sorrows
Death And Sorrows

In somber silence, death's dark shadow falls
A melancholy mist, that chills the heart's walls
A mournful murmur, echoes through the mind
As loved ones leave, and memories unwind
A lugubrious landscape, of sorrow and pain
Where grief's heavy heart, in anguish doth remain
A bereaved soul, in desolate despair doth cry
"Oh, cruel fate, why dost thou take, and not deny?"

In sorrow's sea, we swim, with tears that flow
As death's cold currents, our hearts doth know
A sorrowful sigh, escapes the trembling lip
As we bid farewell, to a life we'll never grip
A dirge of despair, doth echo through the air
As we mourn the loss, of one beyond repair
A heart once full, now broken and worn
A life once lived, now but a memory forlorn

In death's dark vale, we wander, lost and alone
Where shadows of sorrow, our footsteps doth moan
A plaintive plea, doth rise, from the heart's deep core
"Oh, dear departed, how we yearn for thee once more!"
A sorrowful serenade, doth echo through the night
As we lament the loss, of a love so pure and bright
A life once full, now but a memory doth stay
A heart once full, now broken, and gone away

In the abyss of grief, we search, but cannot find
A solace for the sorrow, that doth entwine
A heart once full, now broken, and worn so thin
A life once lived, now but a memory, locked within
A sorrowful symphony, doth play, in the mind
As we mourn the loss, of a love, so hard to unwind
A dirge of despair, doth echo, through the air
As we bid farewell, to a life, beyond repair

In death's dark shroud, we're wrapped, in sorrow's fold
Where grief's heavy heart, doth weigh, and never grows old
A sorrowful sigh, doth escape, the trembling lip
As we bid farewell, to a life, we'll never grip
A heart once full, now broken, and worn so thin
A life once lived, now but a memory, locked within
A lugubrious landscape, of sorrow and pain
Where grief's heavy heart, in anguish doth remain

In the silence of death, we hear, a sorrowful sound
A mournful murmur, that echoes, all around
A heart once full, now broken, and worn so thin
A life once lived, now but a memory, locked within
A sorrowful serenade, doth echo, through the night
As we lament the loss, of a love, so pure and bright
A dirge of despair, doth echo, through the air
As we bid farewell, to a life, beyond repair

In death's dark mystery, we search, but cannot find
A solace for the sorrow, that doth entwine
A heart once full, now broken, and worn so thin
A life once lived, now but a memory, locked within
A sorrowful symphony, doth play, in the mind
As we mourn the loss, of a love, so hard to unwind
A lugubrious landscape, of sorrow and pain
Where grief's heavy heart, in anguish doth remain

Figures of Speech:

- Metaphor (comparing death to a shadow, mist, and sea)
- Personification (giving human-like qualities to "sorrow" and "grief")
- Alliteration (repeating the "s" and "d" sounds)
- Enjambment (carrying a sentence or phrase over to the next line without punctuation)
- Imagery (using vivid language to create a mental image)
- Hyperbole (using exaggeration for emphasis)

© Asiamah Frederick