Discount poem - random scrappings together for you's and your's pleasure
all of these warnings assure me I'm totally fucked.
hush puppies hush.
I scurry further as I gather and forget dust.
I feel welcomed at the barrel's bottem.
The bloody irony is inescapable.
It is oh so oh so oh so weird,
What we've managed to gather here.
It is happening now - you are encompassed by a world of souls
Could a moment be so boring as to convince you that it will never change?
That it will last forever?
God damnit Jozie you stupid bitch ,
I fucking love you.
There's no greater way to emphasize a point than by carelessly waving a gun around.
hush puppies hush.
I scurry further as I gather and forget dust.
I feel welcomed at the barrel's bottem.
The bloody irony is inescapable.
It is oh so oh so oh so weird,
What we've managed to gather here.
It is happening now - you are encompassed by a world of souls
Could a moment be so boring as to convince you that it will never change?
That it will last forever?
God damnit Jozie you stupid bitch ,
I fucking love you.
There's no greater way to emphasize a point than by carelessly waving a gun around.