

Before going to bed, I stare at your pics admiring just how beautiful you are,
I smiled because I realised that am not lucky to have you but am blessed,
Yes you are a blessing from above sent here on Earth to complete peoples happiness like mine,
Your smile always brightens not just my day but my life,
Given the opportunity I would stare at you the whole day like am gazing at the stars during the night because you are a star,
Not just any star but my star that twinkles for me even during daytime,
If I was asked to explain how you make me feel I wouldn't answer because the feeling I get being with you is unexplainable,
The use of words to explain how you make me feel would undervalue how you make me feel,
Even as we fought for the handbag today I couldn't help but notice you smile and my whole world paused & stopped for a while and I was like, 'chigelo changa nichabwino',
Your smile is so unique just like every part of your body,
I just want to thank you for being mine and mine alone,
A thought of sharing you breaks my heart,
So be mine and mine alone,
If I was to lose you I would lose me and best believe me depression would kill me as I would be regretting,
Am not the romantic type so don't expect flowers for now but always expect waking up to a love poem,
Fresh flowers dry up but my words will never dry up so that's why am writing you this so that if you ever miss me you can come back here and read my words because they'll never dry up,
My natural beauty with a jiggly booty,
Let's take a walk so I can pretend to tie my laces and remain behind so i can stare at you bright future as it wiggles,
Let's take a walk and act silly, let's be proud to have each other,
I love you for who you are but mostly importantly I need you for what we are.
I Love You❤️❤️❤️