

Imperfectly perfect
I wasn't expecting perfection,
For I boldly fell in love with your imperfections
Love I say is imperfectly perfect,
Glad you bodily turned love a prefect.
In the quietest part of the night,
When you hover between dark and light,
Wondering if you can float away on dreams,
Hoping they won't turn into screams,
Will smiles spread abroad?
Or your tears will begin to offload?

When the garment of loneliness,
Wears you in cold darkness,
Will your thoughts drag me back,
into your beautiful memory sac?
And will the fails of the past,
Cloud your judgements about the future at last?
Or your love for me will penetrate,
and erase all copies of hate,
You've ever stored,
When our love got bored?
Passions got burnt,
But love lessons were learnt.

You seemed to be always there,
Now you're nowhere
Like Delilah and Samson
We once loved with crimson
Yet my supposed light in the dark,
has rather killed my lark,
ruined my light,
And weakened my might.

Like learning a new dialect,
Love gets to a point being imperfect,
I remember you walked miles,
Just to ensure I slept with smiles,
You're steadfast, always on your toes,
Fought my foes, buried my woes,
I won't deny the fact; my prefect,
That you nearly turned love perfect.
© DaCosta Kofi Aboagye