

the real picture

we keep Fighting day and night,
slaying all its form with daggers,
cutting down its stems,
with cuffs we drag the offenders to jail,
yet, the blaze still flames,

offenders are punished but no remorse,
they do it again and again like norms,
and like a routine, we keep arresting and punishing everyday,

corruption, we want to curb
yet no knowledge of the root,
thousands of youths are out there, jobless!
graduate but no employment,
the reward of Four years of University hurdles,
scornful looks we throw at them,
for been jobless,when there is no job,
we pester them to get settled,
burdens of wife and children included,
and we do not want corruption,

internet fraudsters everywhere,
rogues luring youngsters with money,
assuring them a future the government refused them,
polluting the society with shams,

young nymphs, not excluded in the moral gangrene,
found themselves in the arms of libertines,
snared into a muddy life,
ramming the society out of pureness,

with ignorance, we ignore our youths,
denying them their rights,
obstructing them of a bright future,
the real corruption we should fight,
the real picture that should be seen.
© Amotulrosheed 🌹