

Not by fear!
When you hear the stories told
And see the videos circulate..
We wonder when it all started
How it all began?.
Is it really that of terror
Which resulted in so much horror?

Fear isn't from what we see.
But how our hearts perceive.
We blindly wonder ignorantly.
Letting words of hate captivate us.
But does it really solve our misery.
Or heighten our fears in all aspects.?

When you hear the stories told
And see the videos circulate...
We question those in power.
But are they really in charge of our emotions
of how we see the world today?

We learnt today of a strategy
Greater than villains and bullies
That we give succour to those in need.
But does it really
give us felicity?
Knowing our efforts in a young life's destruction.
But of course we are always right.
The "perfect nation" without crime.

We barely read to acquire knowledge.
When we see what we want to see.
But still even the oppresor has a story to tell.
" Really, like seriously", some will say.
"It's self defense!" they might add

With minds like these,
Do we have impediments of today.
Every story has two sides.
So, Listen to both.

Perhaps we may understand.
Have cognizance and judge right.
After all no one is perfect
And can never be. That makes us human.

Maybe, one-day, we will understand more.
And maybe our perception will be untainted.
Learn to silence your tongue.
And heighten your sense of sight.
Perhaps we will see more clearly,
Hear those subtle voices...
That call us to empathy!

© Paradise springs