

Whispers Of Nature

The sync of an endless beauty,
Flowing as a pattern of a duty to thrive.
In a flutter of wave, we hear it sing.
With an echo of breeze, it stands tall.
The evergreen nature always in bloom,
The mystical infrastructure evermore aflame.

The rustling leaves in a gentle breeze,
The sun's golden beam as the clouds float by,
The buzzing bees on the flowers that grow,
The babbling brook in rhyme with the tweeting of birds,
While the swaying boughs croon an eternal chorus,
A symphony divine as music to the soul.

Thy beauty embrace all manner of perfection,
A living embodiment of grace and dedication.
It's coloration is beyond imagination,
Leaving mankind in a crucial investigation.
Its leaves dance to the silent whisper in motion,
Its sea breathes in a tranquil lyrical motion.

Its silence can be heard through a thousand mile,
It roars echo throughout an inescapable line.
Beneath its surface, an un-masked gracious glinting,
While the uttermost brings forth living species.
The hardest surface brings forth the purest liquid,
It produces some delicate gems that holds a unique aid.

Growing in the uplift meant of a never ending yard,
Its sovereignty cannot be forgotten in a million mark.
Its light have an unexplained glow,
In a distinguished manner that exhibit all goodness.
It is a priceless parcel,
That cannot be bought with a great wealth.

Nature is a treasure beyond compare,
A priceless gift that we must share.
Its light and life, its grace and glow,
Are ours to cherish, here below.
So let us care for it with love,
And keep its beauty, from above.

© Heavenly Twins

@Earth @Reletha @sim2904
@pmaheasri321 @castel3443