

I Dare You To Love Me
With a heart that is shattered

Until all that's left is splinters

With a heart that has lost all of it's sunshine

And stuck in eternal winters

I dare you to love me

With lips always so taut

That speaks only words of hostility

And hips that no longer sway

Because I've lost all confidence in my sexuality

Go ahead! I dare you to love me

With a face that is hardened with anger

And eyes so cold

And a soul drained of all love

And replaced with a hatred so bold

By all means, I dare you to love me

To see my bitterness

And know it's pain

To be brave enough, to step out of your sunshine

And stand with me in the rain

Go ahead...I dare you to love me

Because you would not just be crazy

But also strong

To dare love a partially damage

And a completely broken woman.
© thatweirdislandgirljm