

Caring Caring ❤.
Laying under the darkened skies were an
owl sitting in a tree howling at the moon.
As a spirit approached me, In a loud voice, as I was frightening by the sound.
The voice told me, To come to a mountain top, as I traveled to the closest
mountain, and I came near and stood
at the top of the mountain" while the. mountain burned with fire to the heart of heaven, wrapped in the darkness, cloud, and gloom. Then the spirit spoke to you of the midst of the fire. you heard the sound of the words, but saw no form,there was only a voice. and the spirit declared to you his covenant, which he commanded you to perform. that is, the commandments and he wrote
them upon two tables of stone. And the
spirit command me at that time to teach you statues and ordinance,that you might do them in the land which you are going over to possess. By making a graven image of the Lord to worshiped. in the form of any figure, the likenesses of a male or female, the likenesses of any beast that is on earth. the likenesses of any winged bird that flies in the air. The
likeness of anything that creeps on the ground. to heaven, and when you see the sun and the moon and the stars,
© Caring Caring ❤