

Her real self
And once again she controlled her sobs coz who's here to listen ,
everyone juz kept on telling her what she should do , but was anyone even there to listen ?
everyone juz reminded her of her responsibilities , but did anyone remembered her ?
she was their care taker ,but who took care of her ?
she was not her real self ,but was she even allowed to be her real self ?
they wanted her to adjust everything , but could they accept her the way she is ?
when children of her age played with their friends,she was given a book to study.
when girls in their teens were admiring themselves, they bashed her to not behave like the others .
she wanted to play in that garden , she wanted to join a dance academy,she wanted to wear whatever she liked and look her best ,she wanted to live without this responsible , smart, nerdy
,mature, caretaker tagline, but her sobs were never heard and her mask never fell