

Because of You, I'm Sorry
Because you made me smile
When the air got dark a thick
Because I never thought I'd lose you
Because you're what pulled me through this

Because I am still naive
And didn't add this to the list
Because I never thought I'd lose you,
I'll write a good bye kiss

It's stupid how this world
Keeps turning me upside down
I'll paint my face with blackened lace
And red my cheeks
a clown

I'll laugh and laugh
Because it's not funny but I hurt
So like a clown laugh It away
I'm sweet I promise, a dessert

Peel away my skin
And see the blackened blood underneath
Wounds long healed will open up
Because It will soon be my sixteenth
But I might spend it alone
Because no one ever asks me
If I'll be okay being alone me again
What will I do when I leave?

I cant push the thoughts of loneliness away
But without you they're here to stay
Because of you I'm still here
I should have known I would lose you
Because I have to leave you
I should have known not to choose you

I should not have gotten attached
Because I dont want new friends
I was happy with you
I don't want to go somewhere new
I can't start over again

I wish you the best of luck
I'm sorry I have to leave
I'll miss you and I love you
Together again? one day we'll see

Because of you I was happy
Now they're ripping that away
For now I thank you for everything you've done
I hope we meet again one day