

Hasta que nos volvamos a encontrar mi amor❤️(English )
"Until we meet again, My amore"
Its not good bye remember that..
I m gonna come back to u
Cause my heaven...
There is no world without uh..
Until we meet again..
Cause i cant
Just cant live without uh
I know i m going now..
But i m always with h maybe not now...
I wanna be the one to cheeish u..
The one to admire uh
The one to tell u every morning that how God has put all the beauty in one person...
How can God be soo mean...
One person..
And many to cherish...
But lemme be selfish for now..
And have u all to myself...
Lemme be selfish for saying
That none can have whats mine..
For the first time just let me...
Let me put myself over others and below uh...
Just let me..
But now that i m leaving...
And none is gonna be move there...
Maybe theres a next time..
maybe i will not make it in time...
And now that I know that maybe not this time...
Maybe other time..
Maybe next time my amore..
Maybe next time...
But this time i want u to live ur life to the extent...
With or Without meh..
And remember my love..
If we r meant to be we will meet again my amore...
we will ..
Just have faith...
Just have trust...
"Hasta que nos volvamos a encontrar mi amor"
(May we meet again,my love)
© Ishu.writes❤️