

New day
My eyes open slowly, as the rays of sun hit my eyes.
It was another new day, no one knows what the new day might bring.
Joy or sadness, opportunity or disappointment no man knows.
Even the creator himself is curious what the new day might bring.

As the sun rises a web of complicated series begin to unfold.
A cry of baby is born and a wail of cries nearby.
Oh new day what secret does that hold, what would become of me this day.
Would I be rich or poor, stagnant or progressive.

Suddenly the new day whispered to me and handed me a script with blank pages.
Ignorance as I was I asked “what am I to use this for?”.
The new day giggled and reply “you fool, you get to write your destiny with your hands”.
Still half asleep I said “I thought someone up there already done that for me”.
The new day replied “of course not, he gave you the script all you need to do is just write”.
And guess what I took my pain and I started writing……