

The lonely path
You tread alone, beneath a sky so gray,
No friend to lend a hand, to light the way,
And all around, a world so cold and bare,
With nothing left, but emptiness to share.

The winds of change, they sing a mournful song,
And in your heart, a sorrow, lasts so long,
For all the choices you've made, all forlorn,
And all the dreams, that you once had, now torn.

You sought for hope, in every step you took,
But all you found, was emptiness, a hollow book,
And every path, that once seemed bright and bold,
Now leads to nothing, but a tale untold.

And so you walk, along this lonely way,
With nothing left, but heartache and a play,
Of all the choices, you've made and all you've lost,
And all the dreams, that slipped away, at any cost.

But still you sense, the magic of the night,
And feel the spirit, of the muse take flight,
And though your soul, is torn and all forlorn,
You'll find the beauty, in the coming dawn.

© Plasmagrapes