

Wrath of Hell

We could move mountains if we have faith
How possible, when he has a battle with fate
We all fight to get to the heaven gate
Few are given the privilege to pass through it

Hell giggled the bell of wrath
As sinners danced to the agony sound of the beat of hell
Their skin burning in the angry fire of Hades
What's more horrific than this?

The cry of the forsaken was covered by the aggressive tone of the yellowish demon
Their shadows became a forbidden view
As they stretch forth their hands for help
But was cut off by the sharp-pointing thorns of Lucifer

Shadows swallowed by flames
It all over no time to share blames
Watched in agony as the wildfire consumed humans into the carcass

Then I learned the value of patience and consistency
The heaven gate might be difficult to pass through
But it's worth the sacrifice.


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