

The words pass by in a blur,

The inky characters jumble up without an urge,

I remove my eyes from the ink blotched page,

The dawn if my brain shut down by my confused brain,

The world drags by in a haze of shadows,

Reality seeping away from my bone marrow,

The colors of life fizzle out of the surroundings,

That turns into a montone of furnishings,

The reason behind it crawls to mind,

Banging at the dreams that had lived in my glide,

The Grace of the king runs to a close,

The cool facade of balance still spiralling on its nose,

The devil's clan amasses slowly,

Driving away purity's story,

Soon, the trumpet's sound will full the world,

Then the end has come with its cold.

#rapture #christian #endtimes
© No works of mine should be published without my permission