

I had to know
laid my head on your shoulder like it was a norm
not caring
whether you would give in or shift your form
I couldn't resist the force
that beckoned me inside
to let my head rest on your broad shoulder
not knowing whether it would
humble or scorf to the secret love
I would never reveal

I had to know how it would feel
to give into my temptation
of being close to you
inhaling your toxic presence
even when my brain warned
I would suffocate
cause my heart would beat out of pace to rest in your hands
while knowing the full truth
that you break it without a chance
I had know
I had to feel
writing off all that could possibly
go wrong and
shatter me inside
regardless of the consequences
waiting for me at bay
I had to see
what the end would be
even with little hope inside
That you might say
being close to me
was what you always yearned for
I just had to know

-lejuliet _m

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