

Journey from Nepal to Haridwar & Rishikesh & Dehradun & Lucknow. 10 may 2023
A sacred pilgrimage, a soul's quest
From Nepal's mountains, where the Himalayas rest
I set out on a journey, to the heart's desire
To find the divine, and ignite the fire
Through valleys green, and rivers wide
I made my way to Haridwar, where the Ganges resides
The morning aarti, a symphony of praise
As the sun rises, and the day's ablaze
The scent of incense, and the sound of bells
Rishikesh's spiritual energy, my heart it tells
The Beatles once came, seeking enlightenment true
Now I'm here, to find my inner self anew
Dehradun's hills, a gentle climb
Where nature's beauty, my soul does align
The Garhwal Himalayas, a majestic sight
A reminder of the universe's grandeur and light
Lucknow's gates, a city so fair
A blend of cultures, with stories to share
From Mughal empires, to Hindu and Sikh too
A tapestry of faiths, in all that I do
This journey's end, yet a new beginning starts
A reflection of the soul, and the heart's every part
For in this pilgrimage, I've found my way
To connect with the divine, and seize the day.
© Jerry