

I was a gentile
Just as it was once written in my former file
I knew for a fact that the only way to please Olodumare is to follow the rules of my conscience
Yet my sin was not accounted unto me
Even if I did
Because I was not in a jurisdiction
Where written laws have to guide my path
And also point out my mistakes.
But souls were going astray
Men were in danger of strange gods
Asking not just the soul of men but even the body.

I was a gentile
Depraved and hostile
Who knew not how to subscribe blood
To his Lord
Like the Jews for temporal exoneration
And for a year redemption
Just as we subscribe cash to get one, two, three gigabytes per month
Exhausted even in in thought.
They sacrifice their goats and their lambs for a year for limited compassion
After a month, they ensure to work in other to get bulls for another propitiation.
The high priest represent their subscribers;
An arbiter.
Who stands to pray for them to be forgiven
As he lifts his heart and hands to heaven.

For all have sin are come short of the glory of God
We could not stand or take a foot into the liminal ether of our Lord
Because the data we have is limited to chat with him
To call him
To browse his realms
In other to come in terms
We could not even say Hi to the angels
We were like men
Who have to go business centres to make some calls to families and friends
And we could not posses the phone
as our own
Because we lack the unlimited grace
To chase, to race, to face and to praise.

I was a gentile
Whose blood of a goat
Only existed to facilitates wrong communications
To subscribe to wrong networks.
To facilitate better and excellent communication
Souls needed to be slaughter
The curse remained
Because the souls of those being killed
Were impure
And was given to the wrong network
Who is only greedy for blood
That could not redeem different human races.

Such a sustainable shout as we pray
It was once upon an assumed April
Only to hear
We don't need to subscribe year after year
To renew our subscription
For an unlimited subscription
has been made.
His blood has be paid
We could now pick up the phone
Enter the grace throne
With boldness as own
Call heaven, speak to yahweh
Legislate even with him as Kings and priests
Engage our angels.
Downloading spiritual PDFs having all the plans of Yahweh for me.
Just because of the unlimited data
In his riches in glory
Unlimited Glo is not as real as this glory
Attached to this unlimited subscription done for mankind sake.

© Charisma