

You wanted my worst. I need my best.
We were flying so high day by day, but you fell.....i frowned at you. not because I was mad at you, I didn't want anybody to see your fall.

Somehow, you threw your hands that I could pick you up. I couldn't hesitate and I pulled you up, so we climbed up into the sky again.

we danced the dance of lovers as we sore higher and higher day by day again.

I was lost in the moments and I thought I would never have a reason to walk amongst humans again because I was having the best time of my life up there in the skies with you.

But your wings became stronger and more radiant by the day. mine had become old because I never took the time to take care of it, while I was busy making sure you have the best wings because, I didn't want to see you fall again.

So you would go about with your beautiful wings and soar so high, that i have to wait day by day for you to come down to my level.....

You were now having the best times of your life........our life became a mystery to me as i wondered when I'll get to fly with again the way we used to.

I took one more courage. I flew so high even though my wings were failing me. i didn't mind because i was hoping you would come down to my level once i can get you to see my pain and desire to fly with you again.

But i was wrong. You've seen enough of me. your wings were so big now that you couldn't even afford to come to my level.

I was disappointed in us. we had lost the level we used to have and i frowned at you yet again.

But this time, you didn't care because you dont need me to pull you down from your new heights. you couldn't even pull me up.

I became hopeless, as i warned you that we may never fly together again. not because i have had enough of you, but i couldn't afford enough strength with my failing wings to come up so high with you again.

I was shocked and in so much pain when you "told me to do my worst".

Lolzzzzz........i was glad for the pain i felt.

I haven't felt pain for a long time because, i had traded my feelings, for the feelings i had when we used to fly so high.

I didn't need my pain when i have the best feelings flying so high with you.

But my pain has been part of me even when i didn't pay attention to it. So now that you are no longer giving me any Attention, my pain is now having the best part of me.

Dont ever feel sorry for me though! because, i told you i was having the best part of my life already when you asked me to do my worst.

Yes! that's what pain did to me. It brought out the best i never had with You.

© Donald Adeniji