


O LORD! You have searched me up,
For You know my sitting down,
And my rising up,
You comprehend my path,
And my lying down,
You understand,
My thought from afar

Where can I go from Your Spirit?
And where can I flee from Your presence?
LORD! You're Omnipresent God,
For You're everywhere,
Yes! You're everywhere

If I ascend into the heavens,
You already there,
If I lay my bed in hell,
You even there,
If I take the wings of the morning,
To the deepest sea,
There down in the deep,
Your hand is there,
Even darkness can't hide,
It's light to You,
Everything that You have made,
Will bow in worship

Where can I go from Your Spirit?
And where can I flee from Your presence?
LORD! You're Omnipresent God,
For You're everywhere,
Yes! You're everywhere

For every word on my tongue,
You know them all,
You put Your precious word,
In my mouth to speak,
That same powerful word,
That never come back,
Before it fulfills,
The tasks at hand

Where can I go from Your Spirit?
And where can I flee from Your presence?
LORD! You're Omnipresent God,
For You're everywhere,
Yes! You're everywhere

You hedged me behind and before ,
With Your saving hands,
For You're my shield and great reward,
You chose humble me and made me king,
From grass to grace,
For others to learn

Where can I go from Your Spirit?
And where can I flee from Your presence?
LORD! You're Omnipresent God,
For You're everywhere,
Yes! You're everywhere
© Geoffrey K